"Fight on my men, Sir Andrew said
A little I am hurt, but not yet slain
I'll just lay down and bleed awhile
And then I'll rise and fight again"
That quote from an unnamed old Scottish warrior, was used as an inspirational tool by former Buffalo Bills head coach Marv Levy. That was one of many interesting, touching, and surprising nuggets to be found in the episode of 'America's Game' about the 1990 Bills. For those who don't know, 'America's Game' is a great show by NFL Films which airs on the NFL Network. The first edition featured all the Super Bowl winners, and the second edition, titled "Missing Rings", chronicles great teams which fell short of a title. If you've never seen it, and you like football, you're missing out. The Bills episode is especially good, mostly due to Levy, who's one of the great character's in the history of football.
Levy was a master of inspirational quotes (Winston Churchill was his favorite source), but this one stuck out to me. The poem is sort of apropos to how I feel after the whole Boulder debacle -- I feel a bit deflated, and disappointed, but I also know I have to re-group. The trip out there was fun, and nostalgic, and an adventure, and while it had quite a cost -- in terms of money, time, maybe even a friendship -- I can't afford to dwell on the past. I have to move forward, and that means interviewing for work and looking at new apartments in LA traffic. May God have mercy on my soul.
Better to make the right choice for you and pay a little now than to make the easy choice and pay significantly more in the future.
Best of luck,
Thanks, Kevin.
Yeah, it's hard to admit you've made a mistake -- especially when you were so confident when making it -- but it's better than continuing to stubbornly go in the wrong direction just so you don't have admit you were wrong.
And, by the way, I saw your comment awhile back about the Oscar noms, and I do still plan on writing a post on them -- and my picks -- sometime between now and the Oscars.
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