The next in our award-winning series on the Oscar nominees...
Richard Jenkins in 'The Visitor'
Frank Langella in 'Frost/Nixon'
Sean Penn in 'Milk'
Brad Pitt in 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'
Mickey Rourke in 'The Wrestler'
THE NOMS: Right on the money here. You could quibble with Pitt's selection, and some have, but although I think his was probably the weakest performance of the lot, he did have a very difficult role and nailed it. He had to play someone from childhood to old age, only in reverse -- acting young while looking old, and vice versa. The rest are all not only nomination-worthy, but Oscar-worthy, and the choice of Jenkins was a surprising bullseye by a group that often misses the target altogether on small indies and the performances within.
WHO SHOULD WIN: I adore Jenkins' performance, and was truly touched by its grace, subtlety, and nuance, and I very much admire Langella's non-impersonation of Nixon, but this is a two-man race. It's a tough call between Penn and Rourke -- the latter playing a role so close to himself it morphs beautifully into something between art and life, the former playing as far against type as ever and still delivering a typically great performance. The degree of difficulty of Penn's performance is higher, but the result is so moving in Rourke's, I have to go with that. Besides, Penn already has an Oscar.
WHO WILL WIN: Rourke. Come on, it's too good a story for Hollywood to pass up.
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