I'm in Boulder -- and too busy so far to post much (or at all) -- but I wanted to throw something up, if only to assure the two or three people who check this site don't think it's abandoned. A few notes from the road trip out:
--Podcasts are my new favorite invention, and the primary reason I made it to Boulder with my sanity intact. Funny, engaging and informative segments from the likes of ESPN, NPR, and The Onion was all I needed -- very little music (though I had a bunch at the ready) and local radio were almost completely unnecessary.
--As I crossed into Nevada, an automatic camera snapped my photo, like the traffic cameras positioned all over LA to catch people who run red lights. This brought back the unpleasant memories of the cameras catching me running the a red light near my house -- twice.
--The next thing I came to, just across the Nevada border, were the state line casinos -- including "Terrible's Casino and Resort". At first, I thought this was a terrible name for a casino (pun intended), but as I was telling my third friend about it, I realized it might just be terrible like a fox. Or something.
--Utah is filled with extremely polite folks, though possibly inbred.
-- Colorado is even more beautiful than I remember. Seeing the sky, I wonder why it looks so blue. Why the clouds seem so white, and puffy, and perfect. Don't they have blue skies in LA? Aren't there clouds? The answer is that LA does indeed have them, but us residents there are forced to view them through a screen door of smog which dulls them to our senses. Here, everything is crisp and clear, and larger than life -- as if being seen for the very first time.
--The people in Boulder are also a huge improvement over LA people, although the same thing could be said for pond scum, so take that for what it's worth. People smile, everybody you pass on the street says, "Hi", and every time you go out to a bar or restaurant you end up striking up a conversation with someone. I don't know if Colorado holds a better life for me, but I know it's a more pleasant life.
I hope to get up a post on the Oscar noms soon, and maybe even one on 'Slumdog Millionaire', which I finally saw, and how it figures into my Top 10 list. But this blog is lower on my list priorities than it has been recently, what with the screenwriting, a new job, a new home (maybe?), and seeing old friends on the agenda. So we'll see. I know you're waiting with baited breath.
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