I'm entering the final preparations before leaving for Boulder, and getting a little queasy/antsy like I always do before a big change in my life. One thing that has eased my worries, however, is the fact I've been successfully writing over the Internet for a couple of months now, and it hasn't changed a thing about our process. Well, except for make it much, much easier. No more commutes, no more parking, no not having the food or drink I might want handy, no more trying to find a comfortable place to sit which didn't hurt my cranky back.
Now I just get into my most comfortable position/clothes/beverage-wise and write -- my partner in the corner of my screen looking back at me. We can talk -- it works with speaker, headphones, or no attachment -- and both work at the same time. Sometimes, we use this to get two scenes done at once. We use Skype, which is absolutely free when we use it between computers (they charge you if you call a phone). The set-up is also free and takes about five minutes total. My writing partner, Barry, uses it to talk to his sister. While I'm in Boulder next month giving my new J-O-B a test drive to make sure I like it well enough, my wife and I can use it -- if she gets her hands on a webcam, that is.
The service is great -- good picture and sound, streaming without much if any delay (this PC setup is different than my Mac, but it gives you the idea). We had a few glitches early, like getting kicked off now and again, freezing up, and losing the picture, some of that may have been due to with WiFi or computer issues. Either way, the problems have all but disappeared recently. Sometimes work for more than four hours without any interruption.
Because one of us always had to drive 20-30 minutes each way to the other's place, we can now add that time to our sessions and not lose any quality time with our significant others -- my wife often walks throughor joins in the conversation for a moment. And we're always just a few step away from our own bathroom when nature calls. There's not forgetting of materials, or cords for computers, etc. In the old days, if one of us was sick at all the other wouldn't want to go over -- no problem now.
So that makes me fel better about going to Colorado. I still have that odd nagging thought that I'll lose touch with my contacts and won't have anybody to send a script to, or that I'll lose the will to write, or something bad I can't even think of (Joaquin Andujar said his favorite word in baseball was "youneverknow"), but I know I've been thinking about this too long not to give it a shot. At least now, I know I won't stop writing because the long distance process made it too difficult. Because of Skype, it might actually make it easier.
This has not been a paid endorsement, but if the good folks at Skype want to pay me for my spokemanship, I'd like them to know that I am currently listening to offers.
PROGRAMMING NOTE: So, because of other demands, I haven't yet gotten to my Top 10 lists. I have the lists, just haven't written the, you know, actual post about them yet. I know, you can't wait. All three of you. But I promised them this week, and dammit, that's what I'm going to deliver. Check back later.
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