Kevin Goldstein has a great post on his great blog, The Big Picture (permanently linked on the Blog Roll on the lower right-hand side of the page) today, chronicling the last -- and most egregiously idiotic act by the Motion Picture Association of America. The MPAA is in charge of rating movies, and they have never been accused of being anywhere close to competent at that job. On the contrary, they have been lambasted for years by filmmakers -- Matt Stone and Trey Parker come immediately to mind -- and have even had a documentary made about how silly and prejudiced they are, regularly going easy on incredible violence while harshly punishing anything sexual.
The best evidence of this double-standard may be the recent case, chronicled by Goldstein, of 'Naked Ambition: An R-rated Look at an X-rated Industry', and how they received a red-band rating for their trailer despite the fact it contains absolutely no nudity, sex, or swearing. That's right, they felt it should not be seen by those under 18 because it's about sex, even though there's none to be seen. If that's not puritanical thinking, I don't know what is. And yet, they'll take it easy on the next torture porn vehicle which comes their way, even if it contains a teenage girl getting skinned alive and fed her own entrails.
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