You might be expecting me to wax poetically about the exciting conclusion to the WBC, discuss the action in the first two rounds of the NCAA Tourney, or look ahead to the Sweet 16. You might think I'm going to break down some issue related to the Giants, or maybe write about something entertainment-related. But I'm not. Instead, I'm writing about why I'm not writing. I haven't done a post recently because I'm a) busy doing a re-write for an interested producer, b) looking for a job*, and c) just wrapping up a move (and still waiting for the phone company to hook up my line -- or even act like they give a shit that they fucked up the installation in the first place). Until then, I'm piggy-backing on a neighbor's wi-fi, and very strapped for time/inspiration, and this blog has to fall behind all those responsibilities on my priority list. Hopefully, that will change soon.
* And the crazy stories from this are piling up quicker than I can write them.
The Greatest Food Movies Of All Time, Ranked
11 months ago
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