--Some of these are pretty crazy: "15 images you won't believe aren't photoshopped" from Cracked.com.
--If you're a dude, and you're bored at work, this could be very useful.
--Clint Eastwood hasn't been in movie in four years, and now that he's back, he's directing himself in what looks like another Dirty Harry movie. Only now he's retired. And racist. Only he's not actually playing Dirty Harry, he's playing a Korean war vet. And while it looks like the title should be "Angry Old Man", it's actually called 'Gran Torino'. Here's the trailer:
In other comback news, the "Wassup" guys from the Budweiser commercials are back, though it looks only temporary:
--I love FAILblog. The pic at the top is an example of the genius from over there, as is this:
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